Mad Hatters Brighton

Welcome To Madhatters & Friends

It's wonderful to meet you! This is the home of reinvention! Situated in the bustling Laines of Brighton, we stock hats for every occasion; Cocktail hats, Fascinators, Wedding hats, Trilbys, Top hats, Bowlers, Tricorns, Fezzes, Stetsons, Baileys, if you can name it, we've got the hat for it.

Mad Hatters & Friends

Our Story

We're Brighton's longest standing independent hat shop. You could say that we're part of the woodwork down here. We've been helping our customers reinvent themselves for decades. We're passionate about what we do, and won't stop until we've found just the right fit for you. Why not stop by for a cuppa? Who knows what you might find through our famous blue door.

Mad Hatters & Friends